Financial Reporting

We offer independent valuations for financial reporting including superannation, including self managed super funds (SMSF) and Australian Accounting Standards Board (AASB) valuations.

SMSF and AASB Valuations


Quadrant Valuations offers independent valuations for financial reporting for various purposes including AASB 13 Fair market value under section 334 under the corporations Act 2001, or SMSF and financial reporting for the ATO ‘Australian Taxation Office, all of which require the property to be valued by a suitably qualified valuer and member of API.

Property valuations every 3 years.

The general rule of thumb as used by the majority of SMSF and AASB auditors is that property held must be valued at least every three years.

Should it be a commercial, industrial, retail or residential property requiring such periodical valuations and updates, our API registered real estate valuers have the experience and expertise to value the property in order to meet all financial reporting requirements.


Our licensed property valuers provide completely independent real estate valuations and assessments for all situations and property types including residentialcommercialindustrial, retail, accommodation, healthcare, and childcare. We offer easy-to-read and interpret valuation and assessment formats tailored to the client’s individual needs. Our Sydney valuers are members of the Australian Property Institute (API valuers) and are bound by a strict code of ethics.  We service all Sydney suburbs and throughout NSW.